Grinnell Chamber

Get Into Grinnell Blog

Thankful For You


Thankful For You

Today, I am thankful that all of you care for this community. I know you care, because you read this newsletter week after week. However you are involved and however you contribute to our community, thank you. The fact that so many of us care about this place is one of the big reasons that Grinnell is such a great city to live, learn, work and play. If you would like to get more involved in making Grinnell even better, let me know what you are interested in and I'd be happy to help connect you to a local group or cause.

This is a busy time of year with the excitement of the Thanksgiving holiday and the flurry of holiday shopping getting underway with Black Friday. As you are making shopping plans and searching for unique gifts this year, don't forget to support our local businesses right here in Grinnell. Small Business Saturday is this weekend, a national holiday set aside for celebrating our small businesses. Please take some time this weekend to visit your favorite businesses here in Grinnell and let them know how much they mean to you.

I wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving,

~ Emily Counts

P.S. We have partnered with many Grinnell retailers on a punch card shopping promotion that is going on now through December 24. Collect punches as you shop at participating retailers, and then turn in your completed cards for chances to win the weekly prizes. Also, please note that, due to the snowy weather last Friday, Jingle Bell Holiday has been rescheduled for Friday, December 4 from 5 to 8 p.m. I hope you can join us downtown that night.

11/26/2015 4:40 PM |Add a comment
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